Another Chinese Malaysian gone bad. Amber Chia, sells her body around the world....not like their sisters in country, The Indian Malaysian...
Maya Karin - A beautiful VJ
She plays cult horror movie of Pontianak harum Sundal Malam, and she sings either. She can manage the teathre management to show biz glamour...
Hannah Tan - A Malaysian FHM starlet...
The sex symbol of Malaysian Chinese clan has tried to sing lately. You are the jurors, is she worth as a singer or just a lust-doll.... hmmm...
Nora Danish - cute cute and cute !
The chick is the star of some Malaysian sitcoms, puteri. In her age now, she is married (boooooww...) , she looks younger than her age don...
Nasha Aziz, A sensual Malaysian Actress...
Her hot images spread anywhere in the net, whether it's true or not we don't give a damn ! We only know, she's hot tough ! hot ...
The hot and beautiful Erra Fazzira !
Erra Fazzira, a most controversial Malay artist today. All Malaysian speak about her love-triangle...who's the lucky man ? wow excellent...
Selamat datang !
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